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What You MUST Address in Estate Planning

What You MUST Address in Estate Planning

When people start the estate planning process they often don’t know what to expect or have the wrong goals.

Most new clients’ first words are… I need a will… I need a trust, or I need a Power of

Attorney. When we hear that we think we know we need to go deeper.


Some believe they are okay just by checking the box because they have a will, or they have a living trust.

What we do at Vertical Estate Planning is solve your problem …protect someone… prevent hassles and enhance relationships.

At VEP we go deeper with each one of our clients to find out what they really want to accomplish.

Our typical clients want to make it easy for this or that person. After we go deeper we hear things like…


  • “I don’t want so-and-so to have to deal with a bunch of frozen accounts and lawyers and judges.”
  • “I don’t want this person to have a hassle or unnecessary delay.”
  • “I want to make sure that my spouse is taken care of we have worked very hard to save and accumulate what we have, and I want to make sure my spouse will have access or will not have to ask for permission from certain people to take certain actions.”
  • “I want to be fair to my children.”
  • “I’m not so sure all my heirs should inherit in a lump sum because they might blow it.”
  • “I want to protect my estate.”
  • “If I have to go to a Nursing Home how do not want to lose my home and my life savings.”
  • “I want to reduce Taxes .”
  • “I want this specific person to make sure they have, and it might be a roof over their head after I pass away.”
  • “I want to make sure they can get a college education.”
  • “I want to name guardians for minor children.”
  • “I want to leave something behind for charity.”


Whatever your needs VEP can craft a customized Estate Plan that addresses your every need. The Attorneys at Vertical Estate Planning are excited to meet you, learn about your family and dig deeper into every estate planning problem that you feel needs to be addressed.

Do I Need Estate Planning?

The State of Alabama provides an estate plan for everyone. It is a one size, and it fits everyone. Fits everyone? Not really.

We Cant wait to hear from you

417 4th Avenue SW #270 Cullman, AL

204 Main Street Suite 128 Trussville, AL

Serving Alabama with customized Estate Planning.

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